Background Check Blog - CredentialCheck

Negligent Hiring Hurts: Why Running a Background Check on Employees Is Vital - Credential Check Corporation

Written by Admin | Mar 15, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Hiring the wrong person costs a lot; in the best-case scenario, the employee is ineffective and slows production, and in the worst case, they can do massive damage to a company’s finances and reputation. We help employers avoid costly negligent hiring.

Every year, companies lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to lawsuits and fines because of negligent hiring. Even more suffer smaller losses and blows to their brand’s integrity due to employees who are a poor fit. Fortunately, hiring managers can take measures to prevent these undesirable outcomes. First and foremost, running a background check on employees should be an integral part of any hiring process—and that is where we can help.

It’s important to gather as much information about candidates as possible prior to making a job offer. While how much data is practical varies depending on the position and industry, it’s always a good idea to at least confirm that the applicant is who they say they are and haven’t falsified their application.

Nearly every industry can benefit from criminal background checks; existing employees and clients should have some basic trust that they are working with reliable people. Depending on the role, these screenings may need to be even more stringent.

Adding other pre-employment background checks like drug testing and employment and educational verification where applicable increases trust even further. For example, everyone suffers if a staff member’s drug or alcohol habit causes issues in the workplace. Likewise, if someone does not actually have the experience, knowledge, or credentials they claim on their resumes, it creates productivity problems and can result in disaster.